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The purchase of the cave is perceived by our sages as one of ten ordeals used by G-d to test Abraham. His negotiations with the Hittite people and the humble courtesies extended to them stand in flagrant contradiction to G-d’s promise of the land to him.
Even in light of such a perplex situation Abraham does not complain or express contempt. On the contrary, he accepts the verdict with full agreement, and assumes the role of a ”stranger and temporary dweller” at the mercy of the local people, allowing him to perform this last act of kindness towards his wife.
Regarding Abraham’s humility and spiritual endurance during this trial, our sages note the following:
Take note of Abraham’s humility! He was promised by G-d to inherit the land for his descendants forever and now , when looking for a place to bury his wife, he must pay an extraordinary price to buy it. In spite of that, neither did he doubt nor did he challenge G-d. Not only that, but he even spoke to the people in humility: ”I, a mere stranger and temporary dweller among you...” As a reward G-d said to him: ”You have acted in humility - I will make you a master and a prince among them”. “And the Hittites answered Abraham saying: ”Hear us, My lord! You are a mighty prince among us...(Gen. 23:6).
Even the Satan, according to our sages, admits to Abraham’s loyalty to G-d; especially after this trial of the cave purchase:
And it came to pass and the angels came in front of G-d and among them came Satan.
And G-d asked Satan: ”From where do you come?” Answers the Satan:
“From walking and sojourning in the world.” And Satan continues: ”Master of the universe, I sojourned through the entire world and I did not find a loyal servant as your servant Abraham to whom you said: ”Rise and walk through the land to its length and breadth for I will give it to you.” And even after that promise, he did not doubt you when he did not find a place to bury his wife Sarah. (Tractate Baba Batra 15b).